Microsoft Copilot Studio

Secure User-Built Copilot Development on Copilot Studio

Microsoft Copilot Studio enables anyone to build their own copilots, bots, and GPTs using a no-code approach


Implement control without stifling innovation

Zenity provides enterprises with the power to secure and govern Copilot Studio to empower anyone to build their own copilots without the risks

Lack of Visibility

As people build their own copilots and bots in droves, security can have a hard time keeping up with the volume

Zenity Becomes the First Company to Provide Application Security for Enterprise AI Copilots

Data Leakage

User-built bots and copilots are often under-authenticated, over-provisioned, and contain hard-coded secrets; a recipe for data leakage

6 Microsoft Copilot Studio Vulnerabilities in 4 Minutes

Prone to Prompt Injection

Copilots and AI models can easily be tricked by bad actors into sharing too much information

Who is Securing the Apps Built by Generative AI?


It is tempting to want everyone to use and interact with new copilots; but without governance, interaction logs can be easily accessed

Microsoft Copilot Studio Vulnerabilities: Explained
The solution

Enable anyone to securely build their own copilots

Copilot Studio offers some of the most exciting capabilities for professional and citizen developers, the Zenity platform solves for the biggest risks

Continuous Visibility

Identify all custom copilots, bots, and GPTs that are built within Microsoft Copilot Studio

Stop Supply Chain Attacks

Identify the components that are integrated into each Copilot with Zenity’s AISPM

Govern with Confidence

Stop data leakage stemming from user-built Copilots with automated remediation

What’s needed to secure Copilot Studio?

Zenity provides the only AISPM solution on the market that helps to secure and govern development happening on Copilot Studio

Identify Data Leakage

Find which copilots are leaking corporate data, such as a Copilot that exposes sensitive Sharepoint sites to the Internet

Stop Data Leakage

Implement autonomous playbooks to ensure copilots are not over-provisioned, under-authenticated, or expose data

Map Relationships of AI Components

Visualize how each copilot and AI app are used with automatic risk assessment and SBOM file

Empower End Users

Confidently unleash Copilot Studio capabilities to all users knowing that Zenity has your back

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