
Maintain Compliance with Confidence

Business application and Al development is a major catalyst for digital transformations… and non-compliance

ai compliance

Keeping up with compliance mandates is 
a tall order

With 70% (and counting) of apps and automations now created via AI copilot or low-code platform, Zenity can help ensure these challenges don’t cause a missed audit

Data, Data, and more Data

With huge swaths of resources being created faster than ever before, it means more apps and automations are storing, processing, and transferring data, leading to data leaks that receive bad marks from auditors

AI Has Your Business Data

Change Management

As new apps and automations are created, they often take on new use cases and needs out of necessity. These changes can be tough to keep track of over time leading to an incomplete picture.

Business Continuity

Who Has Access to What

Professional developers and IT teams get bogged down with mundane requests, which citizen development can alleviate. But how can security keep track of thousands of developers now building their own resources?

Who is Securing the Apps Built by Generative AI?

Supply Chain Risks

As citizen developers build apps and automations quicker than ever, they rely on sets of third-party components that are part of low-code platforms, yet are irregularly tested and validated

Unlocking Supply Chain Transparency for Low-Code/No-Code Apps with SBOM
The solution

Maintain compliance without any of the headaches

The Zenity platform is here to prevent data leakage and blind spots by maintaining control of any and all apps and automations that interact with sensitive data

Visibility at Scale

Identify any and all apps and automations that interact with sensitive data

Risk and Hygiene Assessment

Discover when data leaks occur, when apps are overshared, and who has access to things they shouldn’t

Real-time Governance

Policies and playbooks that are purpose-built for each organization’s own profile and relevant industry

Maintaining compliance is an ongoing process

To meet the many stringent requirements of various compliance mandates like GDPR, PCI-DSS, SOX, HIPAA, and more, citizen development must be managed properly


Easily Present Findings

When facing an audit, being able to present auditors with records of what software exists, who has access to what, and more is needed

The 7 Deadly Sins of Low-Code/No-Code Security and How to Avoid them

Detect Risks and Violations

Automatically detect when each individual application has risky components embedded or violates security principles that are based on frameworks favored by auditors

How Microsoft uses the OWASP Low-Code / No-Code Top 10

Implement Least Privilege

A key piece to GDPR, and others like it, is proving that only necessary access is provided. Flag any over-shared apps and automations, and remediate in real-time

Global AppSec Dublin: Credential Sharing As A Service: The Dark Side Of No

Audit Logging

Citizen development is fast-paced, and apps and automations are frequently changed. Keep up and track of how business processes are changing as low-code apps are adjusted on the fly

Business Continuity

Unlocking Supply Chain Transparency for Low-Code/No-Code Apps with SBOM

Low-code/no-code platforms have empowered developers and business users of all technical backgrounds to create applications, bots, connections, and more. But this newfound agility comes with an increased risk of security vulnerabilities.
Read now

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