
From Ancient Greece to Now: A History of the Democratization of Application Development and Security

April 24th, 10am / 1pm EST

From Ancient Greece to Now: A History of the Democratization of Application Development and Security

While application and software development hasn’t been going on since quite the rise of the Ancient Greeks, there is a long history that leads us to the present day of Gen AI, low-code/no-code tools, and more. With all this change, security teams are now at a crossroads between restricting the use of powerful Generative AI, low-code, and no-code platforms to allow anyone to possess developer-like power, and allowing for unfettered use in the name of productivity.

Join Jason Chan, former Netflix VP of Information Security, for a fascinating webcast that takes attendees through:

  • How application development has changed over the years
  • Who is responsible for securing citizen development
  • Generative AI’s role
  • How security can act as enablers, not blockers
  • And more

After which you will leave with a better grasp of the key concepts, shared responsibility model, and ability to attack the security risks stemming from citizen development head-on.


Jason Chan

Former VP of InfoSec, Netflix

Ben Kliger (Moderator)

Co-Founder & CEO, Zenity

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